Lockbox Services

Process large transactions accurately and timely

When you have a high volume of payments and need them processed efficiently, our Lockbox solution can help. We deliver accurate and cost-effective payment processing that is customizable to fit your business’ needs. Our Lockbox solution will save you time and money, while decreasing the potential for error.


Benefits of using Lockbox payment processing

Once the Lockbox service is set up, payments will be directed to a special post office box instead of your company. Payments will be retrieved every business day from the P.O. Box and processed. Each item will be captured and funds will be deposited directly into the business’ account at the end of the day.​

  • Reduce overhead costs by having the bank do the work - no more mannually keying in payments
  • Coupons and checks are both scanned into the system for ease of tracking, research and accountability
  • A customized file is created to post to YOUR system
  • Easily downloadable, reducing staff time dealing with paper
  • Fast turn around processing for customers
  • Accelerates the availability of funds into selected accounts
  • Gain greater control of payment processing with increased visibility
  • Improves overall cash flow for your business

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